Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce

Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce beautifully showcases the subtle flavor of Marjoram, called the “Queen of Herbs”.  Related to oregano, marjoram is the “sweet sister” to oregano’s “bold brother”.  Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce is very easy to make but does require fresh marjoram; fortunately, marjoram is an easy herb to grow.

Unlike a lot of pasta sauces, Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce does not need to be made in a large quantity nor does it require a large time commitment to prepare.  This sauce is best served fresh but you can freeze unused sauce in an airtight container; if used within a week, it will not diminish greatly in flavor.  Particularly suited to filled pastas, like ravioli, tortellini and agnolotti, Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce is also delicious with the addition of fried Homemade Italian Meatballs for a real treat over dried cut pasta for dinner.

Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce

Prep Time: 15 minutes, Total Time: 40 minutes. Serves: 4

Support Cook and Eat at Home. Purchase a PDF of the Marjoram Marinara Pasta Sauce recipe for $1.00.
