Peanut Sauce

Peanut Sauce is ubiquitous in Indonesian cuisine, serving as a dressing or dipping sauce for many different dishes, like Indonesian Chicken and Gado Gado (assorted steamed vegetables) and over rice.  It is also very popular in the Netherlands as Indonesia was colonized by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the 1600s. My Dutch mother-in-law, Jenny Stapel-Klop, provided her peanut sauce recipe to me, which I’ve adapted and present here to you; thank you Jenny!  Very tasty with a subtle blend of ingredients and a seductively silky texture, Peanut Sauce is one of our favorites. We really enjoy dipping celery sticks and carrot chips in peanut sauce as a snack, on the rare occurrence that there should be any leftover.  Make some peanut sauce for yourself and let us know what you served it with.

Peanut Sauce

Prep Time: 10 minutes, Total Time: 35 minutes Yield: 2+ cups of peanut sauce
