Fresh Figs and Prosciutto

There is a very short, very special time each summer when figs are ripe and that is the time for Fresh Figs and Prosciutto.  Salty, smooth prosciutto, sweet, soft figs and a light touch of freshly ground pepper are all that’s required for this easy but elegant appetizer.  We first enjoyed Fresh Figs and Prosciutto while dining at the Hotel Due Torre in Verona, Italy prior to attending a performance of “Aida” at the Arena di Verona many years ago; both the dinner and opera performance were memorable. Since that time, we have always had a fig tree in our garden, just so we could enjoy this dish every summer. You must use very ripe figs, preferably freshly picked that morning if possible, and very good quality, very thinly sliced, imported Italian prosciutto, and a light turn or two of freshly ground black pepper when preparing this appetizer.  Enjoy Fresh Figs and Prosciutto for a light lunch treat or at dinner as a starter, then move on to Neapolitan Steak Pizzaiola and finish with Peaches in Red Wine for a lovely Italian summer time meal.

Fresh Figs and Prosciutto

Total Time: 15 minutes.  Serves 2*.

Support Cook and Eat at Home. Purchase a PDF of the Fresh Figs and Prosciutto recipe for $1.00


Asparagus Prosciutto Shrimp Pasta

This is recipe is a great way to enjoy the fresh and delicate flavors of asparagus, prosciutto and shrimp. Farfalle (butterflies), also known as bowties, are a fun pasta which works really well here. The different colors, shapes and textures of the asparagus, prosciutto, shrimp, pasta and sauce combine to make Asparagus Prosciutto Shrimp Pasta a very attractive and tasty dish for your table.  Keep the colorful theme going with Sicilian Orange Salad for an appetizer.

You will need to prepare this sauce as the pasta boils to get this dish just right.  Timing is really critical to making this dish come out perfectly.  Pay particular attention to parboiling the asparagus; under cooking will yield hard, chewy pieces and overcooking will produce mushy ones.  Likewise, the initial sautéing of the shrimp must take them to the just-turning opaque stage as they will continue to cook as you finish the sauce; you don’t want rubbery, overcooked shrimp here.  The scant amount of heavy cream may seem too little to create a sauce but it will serve to bind all the other elements together and yield a silky, not runny, finish to Asparagus Prosciutto Shrimp Pasta.

Asparagus Prosciutto Shrimp Pasta

Prep Time: 30 minutes, Total Time: 1 hour. Serves 4.

Support Cook and Eat at Home. Purchase a PDF of the Asparagus Prosciutto Shrimp Pasta recipe for $1.00
