Category: Main Ingredient / Lamb /

Braised Lamb and Cardoon

Braised Lamb and Cardoon
Braised Lamb and Cardoon is a tasty stew which bring two distinct ingredients together. Cardoon, also known as Cardoni, is related to the artichoke and has a similar taste but with more nut-like overtones; it resembles oversize celery with small thorns lining the edges of the ribs. While not well known outside of Italy, cardoon…
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Balsamic Red Wine Marinade

Balsamic Red Wine Marinade
Balsamic Red Wine Marinade is ideal for marinating leaner cuts of beef, such as eye of round or top round, and lamb.  An overnight or longer marinating time will really allow the deep flavors of our Balsamic Red Wine Marinade to permeate and tenderize the meat.  In preparing this recipe, we cut the meat into…
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