Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts just don’t get the credit which they deserve!  Our Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts really lets this versatile, colorful and good-for-you vegetable shine using just a short list of just six ingredients. Enjoy Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts with our Fast and Fabulous Pork Chops for a delicious dining dynamic duo!  Gently warm up leftover Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts and pair them with fried eggs for any easy lunch.

Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts

Prep Time: 15 minutes, Total Time: 55 minutes Serves: 4

Support Cook and Eat at Home. Purchase a PDF of the Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts recipe for $1.00


  • 1 lb Brussels Sprouts
  • 1 Tb minced Shallot
  • 3 oz Bacon
  • 3 Tbs Cooking Oil (Olive/Canola Oil blend recommended)
  • 1 Tb Rough (whole grain) Mustard*
  • 1 Tb Balsamic Vinegar

Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts


  1. Trim the bottom ends and any wilting outer leaves from the brussels sprouts. Rinse under cold running water and shake dry. If any of the brussels sprouts are larger the 1-inch in diameter, cut them in half.
  2. Microwave the brussels sprouts in a steamer for 3 minutes on high, this will save you on the cooking time.
  3. Slice the bacon into thin ¼ inch wide strips or batons.
  4. Heat the cooking oil in a wok or a deep-sided frying pan.
  5. Add the bacon to the wok or pan and cook until crisp over a high heat.
  6. Add the minced shallots to wok or pan and sauté, uncovered, over a medium-high heat until softened.
  7. Add the brussels sprouts to the wok or pan; stir, cover and cook until the brussels sprouts have softened and can be pierced easily with a fork.
  8. Stir the rough mustard and balsamic vinegar together in a small bowl.
  9. Pour the mustard/vinegar sauce into the wok or pan, stir to mix, cover and cook over a medium heat for 2 minutes.
  10. Serve Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts immediately.

Easy Yummy Brussels Sprouts


  • Rough or whole grain mustard can be purchased in most supermarkets; look for brands without added sugars.


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